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Gregory Sisk
Geboren inVirginia
48 years
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Your wife
One memory that comes to mind, now that it is winter, is that when we went to bed and my feet were cold, I would put them on you and you would cuss and tell me to get them off.  However, you would always let me put them back on you to get warm.  We would always sleep tucked next to each other, of course until menopause set in and I couldnt stand anyone being to close to me.   I miss ya Babe.  You had such a big HEART, even though you acted like you didnt.  Gregory has that same trait.  Shelly is alot like you in that she is mostly content with whatever, just  so easy going.   During the winter you were always helping someone, actually you were always helping someone during whatever season. I love you and miss you every day.
Your Wife
Oh Babe where do I start today.. It was 28 years ago today that we got married and I remember how scared I was.  You had a squeaky voice to.  My Dad walked me down the aisle and when he gave me over to you he sat down and took his teeth out and put them in his shirt pocket.  But you know Greg you were my hero them and you still are now.  I just know you are in Heaven taking care of me.  After the ceremony we went to the sea food place and ate with David and Dawn and went home.  No honey moon, but that was OK.  I miss your companionship, I miss you not being here.  That A frame house we moved into and it was just a struggle to survive but we had each other and that seemed to be all we needed.  And we SURVIVED!!!  No matter what, we had each other to come home to.  I just know you are with me today and always.  I miss you and your face and love you so much (to the moon and around the world and back (as Noah would say). 


I have many WONDERFUL memories being DADDYS LITTLE GIRL from when I was little fishing in the back yard pond to you buying me my NEW truck (that you and mom FOUGHT about over and over again)!!! I want you to know that you never had one little flaw about you that I didn't like! YOU WERE ALWAYS RIGHT AND NEVER WRONG!!!! I always dreamed about the day that my DADDY would walk me down the aisle and I want EVERYONE to know.....THAT YOU STILL WILL BE THERE!!! I am getting a little tired now so I am going to try and get some sleep!! I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! I feel like I should be back home......BUT WITH YOU HERE!!! I blow you kisses and throw you hugs!!!!


I love you always!!!!!!

Your little SHRIMP

Patti Comstock Livera
Seeing these pictures made me realize what I missed by not living in Front Royal since I was a kid.  I am sure we would have been friends, let alone cousins.  I am so sorry for your family.  I can tell that you were a bright star in their lives.  I remember being kids and spending the night with your sisters and the times that y'all came over to our house (Aunt Francis and my Mom, Merle) and we would have such good times racing around the house and just being kids.  I really miss those times.  I wish you family peace in the thought that one day you will be with each other again and until then Greg will be watching over you.  May God Bless all of you.

Where to even start with you Big Greg!


You were one of the best men I knew, I never saw you without a smile on your face, come to think of it, I dont think I ever saw you sitting down either!! There are so many good times I think about when I think about you, like when I was pregnant and you would always say "god damn girl youre gonna have twins!" haha, and cant forget when me and mom and dad met you guys down at lake anna and me n shelly kept jumping off the boat to pee in the water and you said "you can take the girl outta the country but you cant take the country outta the girl!!" I guess thats true huh? I remember when my parents went to atlantic city and i spent the weekend with you guys down at your old house and we went out on your boat and i made you take me back to the doc because i said my collar bone was hurting, well i never got to tell you this until now, my collar bone wasnt really hurting, you were scaring me to death!! haha, I could go on and on but I dont think this thing will let me type too much, I'll see you again one day, but until then I hope youre up there fixing lots of stuff, going fishing, hunting, and lets not forget drinking BUDWEISER!! Love ya!


Looking back on the memories, I keep coming up with a veritable cornucopia that seems to involve the word "shit." Whether it was me being scared to shit of you as a child and hiding behind Pam anytime I could, or that "shit eating grin" that just seemed to get bigger and bigger each time I saw you, or you saying, "Shit, I'll do that for you. No problem." Those these are great memories, during this past month a quote from Franklin D Roosevelt keeps popping into my mind. He once said, "The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those that have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little." All of my memories are of you going above and beyond in the progress of character, and laying a foundation of generosity that will live on in the hearts of those that had the good fortune of knowing you........and that's the shit FDR was talking about.  


To one of the biggest hearts I've ever known...



I really wouldn't know where to start b/c just like everyone else; there are so many memories.  I can't quite sum them all up in this entry but I'm sure it will be something I do often as the memories will never fade away.  Greg you were way more than just a father in-law to me.  From the day Dillon and I came into this family, it was YOU who truly made us feel welcome.  You were so easy going.  I remember thinking you were such a hard worker.  I think it took me a little while to catch on to what an avid fisherman you were.  But I do remember getting up one winter morning when we lived with you on Wakeman Mill and I asked where you were and they told me you went to church ... I probably found that hard to believe but I bet you never knew that it took me two years to finally figure out that meant you were trout fishing with Robbie and Alan or whoever else joined you on those freezing cold mornings, I guess that's where that "blondeness" came in that you always teased me about.

I remember several times when Gregory and I would have our spats and there were quite a few times when you would come talk to me to tell me it would all be alright.  Your son was a little more stubborn but I always thought those little episodes were the end of the world and you ALWAYS said it would be okay.  Just this past April when we thought we had some REAL problems you came to my Mom's to check on me and told me again, it would all be okay and that I needed to come home.  I remember trying to be strong and saying "Greg, I am home, I'm with my Momma" and you stood there and said "Melissa, go home damn it, that's where you belong."  So needless to say, I came home that night and guess what???!!!??? ... Now you listen good, because I didn't like to say this to you more than I had to but............ 


... man it feels good to tell you that ... but I know if you were here, you'd say

 "I know I am damn it" ... and that makes me smile!

You were so many things to so many people Greg.  There's someone always telling us a story and it usually involves your great smile or a great deed you did for someone and I'm so glad to have had you in my life for the short 7 years that I did.  You treated me as one of your own ... you had no hesitation in telling me when I was a "dumbass" or when I was wrong and though I may have "picked on ya" (it was all Pam, haha)!  I hope you know how much I love you and appreciate you for being YOU! 

Ya know, Gregory and Tracey sure are finding lots of "Macgyvering" around here ... and it has left them scratching thier heads in the hopes they'll figure out how to keep up with this place just like you did!  We know you'll guide them through it.  I guess I should go ahead and bring this to a close for now but trust me, I'm not finished.  Oh and that's just one more great thing about you, you would let anyone talk to you about anything and you were a great listener and even though you never liked to get into anyone else's business ... when you offered advice, it was sincere and again,


I love you Greg, please continue to watch over us all like I know you are doing already!  The ache that's been left in our hearts without you here is unbearable however there are so many memories we are left with and your great smile that gets everyone through the days.  





I have a lot of favorite memories, but I have 3 favorites. That time Uncle Greg, Uncle Brent, Aunt Sharon, and I all went to the river lot. I caught a fish but I wouldn't touch it, so he held it for me. He even got into the water for me and got the fish out so it wouldn't get caught in the weeds. Then, when I had my sweet 16, two guys came that weren't invited. Nobody else would tell them to leave, but he wasn't scared. He told them that they weren't invited and they needed to leave. Then, when Granny went to Alaska, we went down to Shelly and Tracey's river lot. I wanted to go fishing, but the fish wouldn't bite by the bank. So

greg went all the way home just to get his bass boat so we could catch some fish. I miss spending time with him, but the memories of him will remain in my heart forever......I love you Uncle Greg!!!!

Your wife


I have so many memories to share--I will later--but the one I will hold in my heart forever is when we went to bed I would lay my head on your shoulder and run my fingers through your chest hair.  That I will miss forever, but I will keep that in my heart forever.  I use to not be able to sleep without you up close to me--until the hot flashes started--when you were gone I use to have to sleep with the pillow up against my back.


I love you and miss you more as time goes on. Besides God part of my saving grace is that with that "shit eating grin" on your face I know that you didn't suffer and of course our family and friends have kept me going.


I love you


Raymond & Cindy
Raymond's last memory of Greg would be on 4th of July. He told me " He's a really nice guy- just down to earth". Raymond wasn't real sure about going to the celebration although we've been invited the last few years, but never intended:( this year we did. I had to work and didn't arrive until late. Raymond & Greg conversated about fishing and hard to tell what else.   He really made Raymond feel comfortable- so comfortable he was half lit by my arrivable-LOL. I guess my last memory would be picking Courtney's shorts up from Melissa and the family inviting me in they were eating KFC & I past Greg on the way out - he pulled over for me to pass in the drive and smiled- he did have a great smile. I remember...

I love you so much your the most BEST!!!!!!!!! fishing partner EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Your the #1 Pappy I love you....  ........your AWSOME Pappy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some of my favorite memorys are....

me and you going to the lake and me beating you, that was awesome but I  got   to      be      a better  fisherman and I'll get to be a great fisherman because of you Pappy. beating you wasnt my only favorite time. Another favorite time was when I always spent time with you! I loved it when you helped me reel the salmon in new york too.  I love you "Papster" ... you're always in my heart! 


Catch me some big ones up there, and put them in the lake for me so I can win some of them tournaments next year! 


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